What is a First Contact Practitioner?

A diagnostic clinician in primary care working at master’s level with undiagnosed and undifferentiated diagnoses, managing complexity and uncertainty at the first point of contact who has a minimum of 5 years post-graduate experience.

Interested in becoming a FCP Supervisor?

Criteria for applicants:

  • A GP*
  • A First Contact Practitioner who has completed Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the Roadmap. Evidence of this demonstrated by providing completed ‘Checklist for Recognition Processes’ (9.4) and ‘FCP Verification of Evidence Form’ (12.12). (Can supervise FCPs only)
  • An Advanced Practitioner who is on the Advanced Practice Directory.
  • A clinician (e.g. AHP or Nurse) with a postgraduate Masters Degree.

(Note: the directories are not yet active)

*Any Tier 3 GP educators who are recognised by the Quality team do not need to attend the training days, but instead will be able to complete a short online resource.

There will be more cohorts, further details to follow.

There are 20 places available for each session which will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

If you would like to apply to attend training to become an FCP Supervisor, please complete one of the forms below:

  1. Existing Tier 3 GP Educators (interest only, online resource to be shared upon completion of form)
  2. All other applicants (required to attend the 2-day teaching course):

For additional information, please see the HEE national FCP/AP Roadmap Landing Page.

This information is also available on the HEE EoE Primary Care website.