The General Practice Improvement Leads programme is an accredited personal development programme for those working in NHS general practice. Participants will gain new perspectives, skills and confidence in using quality improvement tools and techniques (improvement science) for service redesign and leading colleagues and teams through change.
Identifying a topic to work on:
Participants must identify a small scale, specific problem/issue to work on during the programme as an improvement project. This should address a problem you are having with a system or process and must be something that you can progress within the timeframe of the programme.
The chosen topic should align to one of the following improvement areas:
- Understanding and managing demand and capacity
- Improving the telephony journey for patients
- Improving the online contact journey for patients
- Enhancing triage / care navigation
- Better managing practice workload
Cohorts held in person (face to face):
- Overnight accommodation (bed and breakfast only) is available if required for the middle night of each module at no cost to delegates.
- Travel costs are not funded. Delegates will need to arrange and cover the costs of any travel required.
- Cohorts are offered in person, based on current Covid guidelines. Applicants will be notified immediately of any changes.
Cohorts held virtually:
All sessions will be held on the MS Teams platform. Delegates should ensure they have sole use of a computer with working camera and sound.
The application process:
- Applicants must commit to attend all modules for the full duration; please apply only if you are able to do this.
- Places are offered on a first come, first served basis, to those eligible who fulfil the application requirements. If all places are filled, any that subsequently become available will be offered to those on the waiting list.
- Applications may close early if the cohort is oversubscribed.
- Please complete all questions as incomplete applications cannot be considered. Application on someone else’s behalf can also not be considered.
For more information about the programme, please watch the overview film here: