Event Overview

We are pleased to be hosting an evening event on ‘Haematology: What you need to know’. This event will be delivered by Dr Aaron Niblock, Consultant Haematologist in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust. This talk is to help GPs interpret the myeloma screen, how to diagnose MGUS and when to be concerned regarding myeloma. Emphasis is put on light chains interpretation which sometimes creates confusion. Future cancer biology and the hope for primary care diagnostics will also be outlined. There will be an opportunity to present your burning questions to the speaker and engage in discussions around this.

Tickets for this event are priced at £15 AiT, £20 members and £30 non-members.

Please note this event is organised by the RCGP Northern Ireland faculty, and some content may be NI focused. However, we welcome all GPs UK wide to join if interested.

Please contact Fiona.Monaghan@rcgp.org.uk for more information or call 020 3188 7721.

Please note that this event is from an external source. The information was correct when added to the website.