Sessions will explain:

  • Health care
    You’ll learn about how the NHS is structured and why it matters. We’ll explore how money flows through the system, the main commissioners and providers of care, and how care is regulated.

  • Social care
    Understand who uses social care services, who works in them and how they are funded. Leave this event with a better understanding of the role of social care in 2021 and the importance of delivering the right social care for people, families and NHS services.

  • Public health  
    Discover what public health entails and how it fits in with other health and care organisations. Find out who public health practitioners are and where and how they work.

  • Current big issues in health and care 
    You’ll hear about the key issues in health and care, including culture and leadership, workforce, diversity and inclusion and health inequalities.

  • The future of health and care
    We’ll cover topics including commissioning, social care reform, digital health and care and building a patient-centred health and care system.

Ticket Prices

  • Public sector, charity or university – £95 + VAT
  • Small-medium sized enterprise (SME) – £145 + VAT
  • Commercial/profit-making organisation – £195 + VAT