A review of the theory and practice of flu, pneumococcal and shingles immunisation for those currently giving just flu and/or pneumococcal and/or shingles immunisations in their workplace.
Meets the HPA recommendations for immunisers annual update.

Review of:

Current issues in flu, pneumococcal and shingles vaccination
Recent epidemiology of vaccine flu, pneumococcal and shingles disease
Any relevant/recent changes to the recommendations national policy for flu, pneumococcal and shingles immunisation
The different types of vaccines
Review of PSDs and protocols
Any changes to legislation relevant to vaccination
Anaphylaxis recognition and management
Support strategies
Current practice and identification of areas for improvement
Discussion and sharing of good practice.


This session does not covered childhood immunisations.

Please note that you will need to bring your own refreshments as they are not provided.