The telephone is still the primary route to access for many patients & accounts for a significant workload in practices, with high call volumes and resultant pressure on our patient advisers. This session will look at how we can use our cloud-based telephony systems to understand, evidence, quantify and address the challenges of telephone access using practical quality improvement approaches, to improve the overall experience for staff and patients alike.
This session assumes practices are using cloud-based telephony (CBT). Practices not yet using CBT will still benefit from the approach but may not be able to obtain the full range of information needed to support decisions and action.
NB The session does not cover the technical details of CBT or criteria for choosing a system in this session; for information on these aspects, please refer to our guide to improving the telephony journey on Connect – our online space on FutureNHS
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:
- Describe the information that can be extracted from cloud-based telephony systems and how that data can be displayed and used to identify and evidence pressure points and priorities;
- Use a systematic approach for tackling some of the common challenges that emerge from the data;
- Interrogate the system and begin to make improvements in their own practice.
The sessions are provided for those in General Practice and Primary Care Networks.
The sessions are delivered by experienced Primary Care Transformation Team faculty members, comprising practice-based clinicians and non-clinicians and improvement experts who have worked extensively with general practice and wider primary care.
Registration for each session will close two working days before the webinar or earlier if oversubscribed.