
This webinar is aimed at all primary care colleagues undertaking Quality Improvement projects. The focus is on leadership skills for quality improvement and hopes to inspire primary care practitioners to think beyond individual or practice-based projects into working collectively and collaboratively across primary care communities. Clinical lead for the QUICK project, Dr Sarah Luty, will be joined by Dr Joanna Bircher to discuss leadership in quality improvement.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand how culture, context and climate impact practice working
  • Introduction to leadership with quality improvement projects
  • Introduction to tools for leadership across networks and systems

Who is it for:

 The extended primary care team: General practitioners, General practice nurses, practice managers and pharmacists and AHPs working in primary care.


There have been significant changes in primary care in the last decade, and more will come with the changing demographics to an older population with more care likely to be in the community setting. Strong leadership is known to be linked with positive patient outcomes and experience as well as staff recruitment and retention.  Development of skills in leadership is not just about reacting to external pressures and changes, but the desire to drive change and improvements in our everyday work and practice systems to improve the quality of care to our patients. Good leadership and effective teamwork has the potential to scale these improvement interventions to support communities and populations.

This webinar is the fifth in a series exploring QI in primary care through the quality improvement capacity and knowledge (QUICK) project.

Additional information

The QUICK project is funded by the Health Foundation until end March 2022. The overarching aim of which is ‘To improve understanding, awareness, engagement with and use of QI methods in general practice.