We are excited to welcome you all back to the Leading Together Festival. In 2022 we welcomed over 1500 people from across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) to over 40 sessions.

The 3rd Leading Together Festival aims to support all our colleagues to come together, to gain understanding, raise awareness and build confidence, around the themes of Staff Experience, Inclusion and Leadership.

It offers an everyday toolkit and learning from others to support staff to be purposeful in their actions, with
the intention of creating lasting change.

Friday 20th October, 12.45-2pm

Leadership Support Circle – Be Inclusive in the Way you Lead, faciliated by the Leadership and OD Team at CUH

The session breathes new life into support circles that were delivered through Covid, this themed and interactive online session is based on one of the ten evidence-based principles for Leading Compassionately.
An interactive space for managers at all levels to come together, share their experiences and be heard. Drawing on practices including Schwartz Rounds and Care Circles often used by clinicians. Resources include evidence-based guidance, tools.

This session is focused on being conscious and active in your inclusive leadership practice.

Monday 30th October 11:00-12:30

Stepping into Your Power

Everyone’s talking about resilience – how we manage our physical and psychological selves in times of stress. Vivien John asks, why do we have to put up with stress in the first place? Everyday in small ways we give away our personal power. It’s time to claim our lives, our choices and our sovereignty.

In this short session we look at what personal power is, how we leak it in our day to day routines and interactions and we can make changes to take back control.