Join us for an insightful webinar on neurodiversity, hosted by the South West Thames Faculty. Gain valuable knowledge and understanding on this important topic! The webinar aims to enhance understanding and support within general practice.

This event will feature two inspiring speakers:

  1. Sarah Ziegel, a mother of four boys diagnosed with non-verbal autism before the age of three. Sarah has written a book about her family’s journey with autism and will share her personal experiences and insights into living with neurodiversity.
  2. Dr. Heidi Phillips, a GP with a professional interest in neurodiversity. Dr. Phillips will discuss her journey of discovering her own ADHD diagnosis, along with her efforts to establish frameworks and curricula to support GPs and specialists working in this field. She is a co-founder of the RCGP special interest group on neurodiversity and has collaborated with the Royal College of Psychiatrists to improve neurodiversity training.


  • 19:00 – 19:10: Welcome and Introduction
  • 19:10 – 19:40: Speaker 1 – Sarah Zeigel
  • 19:40 – 20:10: Speaker 2 – Dr. Heidi Phillips
  • 20:10 – 20:30: Q&A and Closing Remarks

This event is open to all members of the faculty and all other healthcare professionals and anyone with an interest in neurodiversity.



RCGP Members  – Free (£10 refundable deposit will be taken at the time of booking,  refunded on attendance at the event)

Non Members – £25