The Primary Care Diabetes Society (PCDS)

The Primary Care Diabetes Society (PCDS) is pleased to announce this year’s Welsh conference, which will be taking place in a virtual format.

Organised by the PCDS, the only association solely committed to the needs of primary care diabetes, this virtual conference will examine diabetes care from a Welsh perspective. Through a mixture of lectures and masterclasses, the conference will provide practical guidance to healthcare professionals, focusing on those issues that impact the most on everyday diabetes practice in Wales and beyond.

We are delighted to be delivering an event that we feel provides an invaluable opportunity for us to come together, virtually, and cover the real core issues in day-to-day diabetes care delivery in Wales.

We look forward to welcoming you online.

Welsh Representatives on the PCDS Committee

This fast-paced, interactive conference combines latest clinical guidance, research, case studies and hot topics in diabetes, including lessons learned from COVID-19 and much more
  • Ask the experts your burning questions through the LIVE Q&A at the end of each session
  • Log on anytime during the day from the comfort of your own home to view the sessions ​
  • Don’t worry if you miss something, all of the content will be available on-demand
  • Claim 5 CPD points for the full day virtual conference