
All GP practices in England are connected to the NHS App and the whole range of opportunities that use of the NHS App can offer – from booking appointments, to ordering repeat prescriptions, viewing test results and more.

Understanding how NHS App services can support your operational processes and how best to promote and support patients’ use of the NHS App, can help practices with managing demand and capacity, delivering better patient experience and easing the pressures on practice staff.

This practical, problem solving, support session brings together a panel of experts by experience to help answer your queries.

As part of the support we offer to colleagues across Primary Care, we will provide you with membership of our national Primary Care Improvement Community (PCIC).

This gives you free access to:

  • Support through a national network with access to the latest developments in improvement and change
  • National events, including regular webinars
  • Access to Primary Care Improvement Connect (an online space, on FutureNHS to chat, share and learn virtually with other members around the country)