NHS England and NHS Improvement is hosting a one hour webinar about the NHS Community Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Service for community pharmacists and their teams, NHS trusts tobacco dependence leads and regional leads, on Tuesday 12th July 2022 at 7pm.

The community pharmacy service launched in March 2022 to provide ongoing support to patients with their stop smoking journey when they are referred to community pharmacy after discharge from hospital. As hospitals set up their in-house smoking cessation service, pharmacies can mobilise to be able to receive referrals. It complements exisiting local authority commissioned smoking cessation services, creating capacity in the system.

Speakers include Anne Joshua, Head of Pharmacy Integration, Professor Sanjay Agrawal, National Speciiality Advisor for Tobacco Dependency, Gemma Ramsay and Claire Hobbs, Community Pharmacy Digital Strategy and Rob Hebdon, Pharmacy Integration Lead North West.

The session will provide more details about the service, support with implementation for acute trusts and top tips and lessons learned from those already offering the service.

Questions about this event?

Name: Gail Harding

