Online Documentary Launch: ‘Life Well Lived’

A 35 minute film showing how 3 senior healthcare staff have found lives of meaning & value after attempting to end their own lives.

We would like to invite you to the online launch of the documentary ‘Life well lived’ made by Amber Films that explores the will to live and die and what it means to have a life well lived.

This session is open to those working in health, social care, the voluntary sector or not-for-profit sector in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

This event is a collaboration between the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Staff Support Hub and the North East and North Cumbria Suicide and Self Harm Research Collaborative.

The film listens to three healthcare staff who tried to end their own life when young and their journey in finding meaning in their lives. They now want to offer hope to colleagues who may be struggling and tackle the stigma by opening up about their history.

The documentary was commissioned by The NENC Staff Wellbeing Hub to capture and engage with the themes from a programme of research learning from staff with lived experience of suicide. The research findings will also be highlighted.

“I honestly think it’s one of the most powerful things I’ve seen in terms of suicide prevention in staff. I absolutely loved it and I’m sitting crying – happy tears as it’s such a hopeful and positive message for people.” Suicide Prevention Lead.

It is hoped that this event forms part of a mapping exercise of research in this area.


By registering to attend the webinar, we ask that you agree not to film any of it, and info in it not to be shared out of context. The film is about suicide and as this is an online event, you will need to ensure your own triggers and safety.