Upgrade your skills for the online environment – learn key techniques of how best to facilitate online education events and online meetings.  Learn, or refresh, your knowledge of best practice in terms of online etiquette and online governance considerations. Find out how other NHS clinical teams have used their expertise to their advantage and improved efficiency. Free to members this course is likely to fill quickly so book your place now!

We are thrilled that our speakers for this session are the experts from Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) who upskill NHS trainers to become globally-recognised Certified Online Learning Facilitators.

Kate Foday

Kate has greater than 15 years’ experience with IT Training at Guy’s and St Thomas’. During that time she has managed a wide range of Clinical IT projects from Analysis, Design and Development through to implementation and Evaluation. Her role is key in the strategic planning of the IT training department and she is an accredited Trainer Assessor for the Learning and Performance Institutes COLF (Certified Online Learning Facilitator) and TPMA (Training Performance Monitoring Assessment) courses.

Clare Lang

Clare has a background in Education and 16 years working across a variety of NHS Trusts in both Trainer and Consultant role. For much of the last five years she has dedicated her time to the development of the virtual classroom for the NHS. She has defined standards, and delivered extensive training to both clinical and non-clinical Educators and Trainers as they move onto the virtual platform. Clare is an accredited Trainer Assessor for the Learning and Performance Institutes COLF (Certified Online Learning Facilitator) course.

This event is Free to Members but £30 for non RCGP Members

Coordinated by:

Jane Lohmann,  Severn Faculty Administrator

Dr Pam Curtis – Education Lead

Email – severn@rcgp.org.uk