Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB Training Hub are running this course.

This course is for care coordinators, health and well-being coaches or social prescribers. Please see more information below:


​Course highlights:

  • Gain an enhanced understanding of what Health Literacy is, particularly in the context of health inequalities
  • Recognise the “2 sides of the coin” when it comes the Health Literacy. 1) Service user/ patient experience 2) The health literacy environment in which we operate
  • Understand how to adapt every day practice to take account of health literacy
  • Gain knowledge of how health literacy links to all aspects of personalised care including shared decision making
  • SDM policy (from PCI e-learning module) and workshop to embed policy into practice
  • Learn to use data tools to gain greater awareness of the health literacy in the local area
  • Build knowledge and skills in various practical tools to enable optimal health literacy conversations and written/online materials