NHS England and NHS Improvement National Primary Care Workforce Team is undertaking to support the development of a National Training and Development programme for Practice and PCN Managers.

Working in collaboration with Practice and PCN managers, representative bodies, training providers and other key regional and national stakeholders, the programme aims to develop a national Training & Leadership Development Support Offer which:

  • will provide a standardised approach to the development and training of Practice and PCN Managers
  • reflects the core skills required to achieve the transformation and policy agenda

 Delivery of the programme will ensure key members of the primary care workforce are:

  • nationally recognised, supported and valued
  • equipped with the skills required to deliver key strategic and operational objectives
  • empowered to influence, lead and drive service innovation

This work has two primary aims:

  • Capture perspectives on the roles and provide insights into current and desired career development needs
  • Offer insights into expected and desired core tasks and how roles have developed

NHS England and Improvement with NHS South Central and West are scoping a National Training and Development programme for Practice and PCN Managers, and would like to work in collaboration with you as key stakeholders. All details can be found in the attached flyers. You are invited to participate in the survey and workshops through the links below:

Please open these links using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

For Practice and PCN ManagersPCN and Practice Manager Development Programme | Join the Conversation (scwcsu.nhs.uk)

You can also participate by attending a virtual MS Teams workshop to put forward any further views.  Dates of the workshops are as follows:-

  • Primary Care Development Workshop for Practice  Managers (Tuesday 1 March 2022 between 1-2.30 pm)
  • Primary Care Development Workshop for PCN Managers (Wednesday 2 March 2022 between 1 – 2.30 pm)

This information will support data already collected via other routes and we will be grateful for you to disseminate and invite as many of your contacts as possible:

The work will be conducted with as little disruption to your teams as possible, with all work carried out remotely through MS Teams.

If you would like further details about the programme please contact Frances.mead2@nhs.net.

If you would like further details about the survey and workshops, please contact scwcsu.primarycareworkforce@nhs.net.