The NHS long-term plan sets out a commitment to rolling out the comprehensive model for personalised care so that it reaches 2.5 million people by 2023/24, with an ambition to double that figure within a decade.

This model of personalised care aims to support an individualised approach to health care by reframing the relationship between patients and clinicians from “what’s the matter with you? – to “what matters to you?” Although personalised care is not new, by drawing together different approaches from shared decision making to social prescribing and personal health budgets, the plan seeks to fundamentally change the way that care is planned and delivered for people living with long-term conditions.

This online event explores how different components of personalised care are being implemented in practice: from changes to how clinicians are treating patients and supporting people with long-term conditions, to how organisations and local areas are implementing these approaches on a wider scale.

The session will explore:

  • insights into what personalised care means in practice for the people living with long-term conditions
  • examples of authentic shared decision-making where health care professionals facilitate good quality conversations with individuals, supporting them to make a mutual decision based on evidence-based information and consideration of their personal preferences
  • learning from whole-population approaches to support people of all ages to manage their physical and mental health
  • how voluntary and community sector organisations and community assets can contribute to supporting people to live well
  • integrated and continuous pathways that bring together local voluntary and health and care organisations and help put the person in control of their health
  • challenges to creating a new relationship between people, professionals and the health and care system and what actions are needed to overcome these.