Empowering you to support the mental health and wellbeing of our NHS people

People with management, supervisory and supportive roles can have a significantly positive (or negative) impact on the mental wellbeing of the people in their teams and communities. Our aim is to equip NHS managers, supervisors and those with caring responsibilities for NHS people to confidently hold supportive and compassionate mental health and wellbeing conversations, during and beyond COVID-19.

What you will learn:

This short remote live training session will enable you to identify people in your team or community who may be struggling with their mental health, initiate a supportive wellbeing conversation, confidently hold the conversation using active listening skills, and signpost them to appropriate support.

You will gain new knowledge and have a chance to put this into practice during the session. The training is underpinned by psychologically sound principles and the REACTMH technique comprising of: Recognise, Engage, Actively listen, Check risk, and Talk about specific actions. The REACTMH technique is well-established and has been delivered for the past three years to thousands of people across public and private sector organisations.

Who is it for:

All managers, supervisors and those with caring responsibilities for NHS people, in clinical and non-clinical NHS services, across all our NHS, health and care organisations – in particular those working in areas exposed to high risk of stress, burnout and disadvantaged groups during COVID-19.

Delivered virtually:

Sessions last up to 1 hour 15 minutes and are run remotely using virtual platform technology (Zoom).

Who delivers it:

NHS England and NHS Improvement are working in partnership with March on Stress who are experts in managing stress and wellbeing during crisis situations to deliver this training.

How do I book:

Make sure that you create / sign into your account and head over to the Event’s page to book a date and time that works for you.