This session has been designed for teams providing wound care in Community Health services, Primary Care nursing and all who have an interest in this specialty. We will also have input from Dr Una Adderley – Director of National Wound Care Strategy Programme,

The session will provide the opportunity to hear some good practice that is taking place in other organisations and to ask the questions you might have to support local developments in using remote and video for delivery in this specialty;

The session will aim to cover :

  • How video consultation (or eConsult) has a role/enhances wound care services
  • The impact video consultations have on staff, productivity, waiting times, healing rates and early identification
  • Challenges and limitations of providing wound care remotely
  • Patient experience and the impact on patient self-management
  • Advice on data capture
  • The wider potential developments of using video in wound care

We hope you can join us, the session will be limited to approx. 200 so please join early as if we achieve this level you may have difficulty joining.