Within the voluntary and community sector writing reports is a constant and necessary part of our routine. It’s also an opportunity to convey to those commissioning or funding our work, both current and prospective what we do and how it makes a difference. The quality of our reports has a direct impact on stakeholder opinions of our work and a well written report can put you in the best possible place to secure sustained funding for the future.

Thriving Communities in the East of England has partnered with the Royal Literary fund to bring you a two-part workshop to help you elevate the reports you write.

Join our workshop leader, a fellow of the Royal Literary Fund for this fun and engaging workshop on report writing.

These workshops will help you to learn how to write clear, concise reports that convey your message effectively and efficiently. You will be supported to:
• Explore the essential elements of writing a report
• Understand the role of storytelling in reports
• Formulate a structured approach to report writing
• Build skills in selecting and sequencing relevant information
• Practise editing and proofreading.

Through enjoyable writing exercises and thought-provoking discussion, participants will learn how to organise information and approach the different stages of producing a report from initial ideas to final draft.

Dates: (Part 1) Monday 21st November (Part 2) Monday 5th December

Time: 10:00am – 12pm