A weekend course covering:
- introduction to principles and processes of clinical research
- formulating research questions and study design
- introduction to understanding statistical considerations in clinical research
- understanding and applying the key concepts relevant to research ethics
- writing and presenting a scientific paper / poster
- integrating clinical research into a clinical career and how to get started
- opportunities to talk to high calibre research clinicians
The course is designed for medical trainees, nurses, midwives and allied health professionals who are not (yet) research active but are interested in research skills and knowledge. The course comprises a carefully planned programme of talks, practical exercises and worked examples. The course has been commissioned and is subsidised by the NHS Health Education East of England and NIHR Cambridge CRF. The programme is provided by clinicians for clinicians.
* Up to 10 places will be awarded. Applicable criteria: employed in the East of England; ompleted a healthcare related degree course; specialist knowledge in respective field; seeking to become involved in developing clinical research studies relevant to their profession.
This course normally carries a subsidised fee of £50 but this year that fee is kindly being paid by HEE East of England and CLACEast (www.claceast.net)
For further information or to apply for a place please contact: PA to Professor Christi Deaton, Box 146, East Forvie Building, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0SR, e-mail: christideatonpa@medschl.cam.ac.uk
Apply by 12 noon on 2 December 2022 to christideatonpa@medschl.cam.ac.uk