Aims and Learning Outcomes

Making safeguarding personal requires asking the adult concerned what they want to have happen, and how. To do this you need to be confident engaging the adult in this conversation and know how to respond when you think they may lack capacity to decide for themselves.

This 2 hour course aims to improve understanding of the MCA (2005) and how it applies to raising Safeguarding concerns and carrying out safeguarding enquiries.

At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss how the 5 principles of the MCA should be considered in the context of Making Safeguarding Personal
  • Explain how to identify and respond when there is a concern about an adult’s capacity to make a decision in relation to a Section 42 enquiry
  • Identify key messages from Safeguarding Adults Reviews pertaining to the MCA and safeguarding adults at risk

Target Audience

This course is for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Practitioners who work with adults at risk and their families

Please note that this event is from an external source. The information was correct when added to the website. Check the date and time when booking on the Safeguarding board website.