Who is an adult at risk?
SAB board definition- (taken from Scie) and what does this mean in terms of a referral. How does this differ from being eligible for social care support?
How does this differ from a “vulnerable “adult
No agreed definition- subjective and open to interpretation.
What makes a good referral?
Consent, clear care and support needs, a conversation where the adult has said what they want to happen.
When is ok to refer without consent
High risk, concerns around capacity, unable to obtain consent
What to expect one a referral has been submitted
Information gathering stage. Possible outcomes, feedback. Sharing of information
What happens if the concern progresses to a full s42 enquiry.
MASH involvement. Provider enquiry, s42 managed by other ASC teams.
What support is available for those who don’t meet the adult at risk criteria
Adult early help. Health IDVA, Signposting (carers) DASH -police
Where does self- neglect and hoarding fit in?
PCC/CCC change in focus, complex casework, hoarding forums.
Where can I find more information?
SAB board website.
Some stats – number of referrals received over the last year, how may were inappropriate, what happened to them. Trends and who do we see referred the most?