Shift happens. It’s always happened. The difference nowadays is that shift is shifting faster. In recent times, shift has hit the fan.

The world is moving faster than human evolution. We’ve been outpaced. And as the world changes, so do the damn rules. The game of life’s difficult enough, but if you’re playing by the old rules, you’re accidentally opening yourself up to a whole load of problems.

To do more than survive – to thrive and come alive – you need to be able to thrive in this superfast world.

Same but totally different

SHIFT HAPPENS is for those who’ve already attended ‘The Art of Being Brilliant’. They ‘get’ the 2%er philosophy and want to stay there. Stickability is a life-changer. We dig deeper into Positive Psychology and the science of human flourishing. It’s the same light touch, with an equally serious message.

Whereas traditional training is additive – it gives you more things to remember and do – SHIFT HAPPENS has a touch of the counter-intuitives about it. It’s subtractive. You don’t need more stuff on your mind, you need less!

Once you have clarity, self-improvement follows, effortlessly. It’s about instilling positive habits, with the benefits rippling way beyond work.

This webinar will be facilitated by Andy Cope

About Andy: Andy is a qualified teacher, wellbeing expert and ‘recovering academic’. His Loughborough University thesis was 12 years in the making and the reward for grinding out his PhD is that he gets to call himself a ‘Doctor of Happiness’. The good doctor is lucky enough to work with some very large businesses, including DHL, Kelloggs, Hewlett Packard, Astra Zeneca, Lego, L’Oreal, Nationwide and UEFA.

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Webinar Session:

  • You will need a webcam and a headset to fully participate.
  • The computer will need to have the sound function on so you can hear and speak at the webinar.
  • You will need to be connected to the internet for the duration of the webinar.
  • We will send an email with details of instructions for the day to all participants, prior to the date.
  • Please note: this webinar may be recorded.