Join UCLPartners and the British Heart Foundation to learn more about the resources available to help primary care teams support patients to prevent CVD, using a virtual first approach.

In this webinar we will be joined by Dr Matt Kearney, Director for CVD and Primary Care Innovation at UCLPartners and former NHS England National Clinical Director for CVD prevention, who will walk through the case for change in CVD prevention. Guest speakers will include primary care clinicians who will share examples of changes they have made to practice since the start of the pandemic, how they have implemented the changes and what lessons there are for others looking to take a similar approach.


  • Welcome and introductions
  • Cardiovascular disease: the case for change
  • Introduction to UCLPartners long-term conditions approach – Dr Matt Kearney
  • Hypertension pathway – Helen Williams
  • Atrial Fibrillation – Helen Williams
  • Lipid Management – Dr Deep Shah
  • T2 Diabetes- (Speaker TBC)
  • Implementation support – Laura Boyd
  • British Heart Foundation: Information and resources available and learning from the blood pressure projects
  • Local implementation: a view from the front line (Speakers TBC)
  • Q&A
  • Discussion

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