The British Infection Association presents a Sustainability Webinar including talks on Antibiotics, Infection control and Diagnostic Sustainability and Re-usable surgical devices.

09.55 Opening Remarks Dr Rajeka Lazarus

BIA Sustainability group

10.00 Session 1 

Antibiotic Sustainability

Chair Dr Louise Dunsmere

Consultant Pharmacist

Antibiotic supply chains and environmental waste Jean-Yves Stenuick

Health Care Without Harm

10.25 Antibiotic Carbon footprint Dr Phillip Howard TBC


10.45 Optimising antibiotic use Laura Whitney


11.05 Discussion
11.30 Coffee Break
11.45 Session 2 

Infection control sustainability

Chair Lisa Butcher

President of Infection Prevention Society

Glove Reduction Helen Dunn Great Ormond Street

Andrew Caddick


12.15 Mask sustainability Paul Chivers


12.35 Discussion
12.50 Lunch
13.30 Session 3 Re-usable surgical devices  Chair Prof Mahmood Bhutta

Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Carbon footprint of surgical procedures Chantelle Rizan

Brighton and Sussex Medical School

13.55 Barriers to sustainability Prof Mahmood Bhutta
14.15 NHS reusable device strategy Manraj Phull Greener NHS
14.35 Discussion
15.00 Session 4 Laboratory Sustainability   Dr Rob Shorten Consultant Clinical Scientist
Carbon savings in diagnostics Dr Tom Lewis National Pathology GRFT Lead
15.25 Narrative Reporting Public Health Wales
15.45 Green Lab certification My Green Lab
16.05 Discussion
16.30 Closing Remarks Dr Rajeka Lazarus

Please note that this event is from an external source. The information was correct when added to the website.