Please note that we can only offer funded places to those who are not doing the 2-day PCI-Accredited Care Co-ordinator training. 


Peak Health Coaching has developed its own Tailored Health Coaching approach, based on many years of experience of patients’ personal success stories and follows an intuitive path towards behaviour change.

Our Tailored Health Coaching Training encompasses a range of coaching models and approaches together with the concept of activation to ensure that participants leave with a practical approach they can use with their very next patient or client.

Participants undertaking our accredited 2-day programme, will have also completed days 1 and 2 (Module 1) of our 4-day accredited programme. This allows those who would like, to deepen their learning and experience of health coaching, to progress on to days 3 and 4 (module 2) of the accredited 4-day programme.

Course objectives

Participants in this programme will feel confident, from day 1, to start using coaching skills with their patients or clients.

After day 2, they will be skilled to use coaching and appropriate challenge to the people they work in pursuit of the best possible outcomes.

Who should attend?

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Training Hub are offering a limited number of discount codes to Health and Well-Being Coaches and Social Prescribing Link Workers working in General Practice in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Objectives of the programme and what to expect:

Day 1

  • Establish a safe environment to think
  • Learn advanced communication skills
  • Know how to structure a coaching conversation
  • Practice coaching in a supportive environment
  • Consider where to start using your coaching skills

Day 2

  • Understand the concept of Patient Activation and how it can inform a coaching approach
  • Understand the characteristics of people at different levels of Activation
  • Be able to tailor your coaching to a patient’s starting point

To Book 

Express an interest to receive a code that then enables you to book your own course from a range of dates on Peak Health’s website.