The impact of online sexual offending investigations on families

  • Symptoms of PTSD
  • Loss of family ties

The impact on children

  • Parental separation
  • Mental illness
  • Parental incarceration


  • Professor Tink Palmer
    Professor Tink Palmer began her social work practice in 1973 and gained her post-graduate professional qualification in social work at Bristol University in 1975. Since that time, she has gained further qualifications and participated in numerous post-graduate training courses – including counselling, family therapy and forensic investigation. Prof Tink has worked with children and their families for the past fifty years. In the past thirty-five years she has specialised in child sexual abuse and is an experienced clinical and forensic practitioner, manager, trainer, policy maker and strategist.
  • Lucy Roberts
    Lucy Roberts is a person of lived experience. In 2015 her ex-husband was convicted of an Indecent Image of Children Offence. It impacted every area of her life including where she lived, her employability and health. The judicial process triggered multiple Adverse Childhood Experiences for her 2 children and the impact on their well-being is evolving as they mature. She perceived there to be 3 safeguarding gaps in the current system for families like hers. Over the last 2 years she has had the opportunity to share her experience to a wide variety of professionals, through presentations at conferences, training sessions and strategy meetings. It is her hope that by raising awareness around the challenges faced by close associates of child sex offenders there will be support avenues available in future to mitigate for the harm caused.