Having a conversation about mental health with your colleagues could change their life.

Many of our colleagues experience difficulty with their mental health. They could be feeling isolated, ashamed and/or worthless whilst worried about their colleague’s reactions if they speak out.

There are also many colleagues who want to support one another and have those conversations but don’t feel comfortable or ‘upskilled’ enough to do so.

Talking about mental health doesn’t need to be difficult.

It can be as simple as making time to have a cup of tea with each other or going for a walk and listening to a colleague talk about how they feel and life generally.

Join us for a webinar exploring how we can open up conversations about staff mental health in the workplace and encourage colleagues to be there for one another. The session will offer useful learning around recognising when others might be struggling with their mental health, as well as guidance on how to kick off those all-important conversations with others.