Part of the Leading Together Festival run by CPFT:

Webinar Description

Katherine Hickman is a GP Partner working in Bradford and Certified Tiny Habits coach Ⓡ. Six years ago she hit rock bottom after a period of burnout. It resulted in her walking away from her job and facing a period of uncertainty, exhaustion, and confusion. As a doctor, she knew what she should be doing to take care of herself but was struggling to implement anything. Opening a can of beans to feed her kids, at times, felt like a monumental task.

Katherine learned the hard way how best to put herself back together and take tiny daily steps towards caring for herself FIRST in order to prioritise others in her life. Katherine developed a strategy to move forward quickly and get back on track during times of stress by combining her knowledge as a GP with her subsequent training as a certified Tiny HabitsⓇ coach.

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