
Registered nurses, associate practitioners and health care assistants.


  • To enable the student to increase their knowledge in the role of the therapy and its place in enhancing wound healing and/or control exudate
  • To enable the student to increase their knowledge in using the different machines according to type of wound

Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • To use the therapy appropriately for different types of wounds
  • To use the different types of dressing, their modifications as the wound heals and machine pressure use accordingly

Update knowledge and competency can be achieved with:

  • Update topical negative pressure theory with e-learning module
  • Complete quiz
  • PP for application of dressings and setting up machine
  • Supervised practice with an experienced nurse in VAC application

The e-Learning module link for the use of VAC therapy is and is essential to do before attending the above course as it is part of the competency.

This must be opened in Google Chrome. The code for CPFT is: LEARN129