In improbable situations like the pandemic, which has massively disrupted our routines and utterly destroyed our best-laid plans, we need to learn to live with ambiguity. Uncertainty is all around us. We crave information about the future, we crave security, we want to feel safe and have a sense of control over our lives and the current situation means this is more difficult for many leading to heightened anxiety, stress and powerlessness. It’s emotionally draining.

So how can we best cope when everything feels so out of control? This session explores strategies to help alleviate anxieties and face the unknown with more confidence.

During the session you will:

• Learn how to focus on controlling those things that are under your control
• Learn to better tolerate, even embrace, the inevitable uncertainty of life
• Understand the difference between resisting and acceptance
• Identify your healthy comforts
• Develop a realistic perspective
• Agree personal action points