In this session, members of the multi-disciplinary team from the Pain Clinic at Addenbrookes Hospital will be speaking about Chronic Pain. This session is targeted at members of the Personalised Care Teams in General Practice.


Time Item Speaker
14.00-14.10 Welcome and introductions Dr Emma Harrold
14.10-14.30  Supporting people with persistent pain Dr Emma Harrold
14.30-15.00 Understanding chronic pain (mechanism) Elsje de Villiers
15.00–15.20 Understanding chronic pain with the bio-psychosocial model Dr Emma Harrold
15.20–15.30 Movement/exercise when living with pain Elsje de Villiers
15.30–15.40 Break
15.40–16.10 Supporting people with persistent pain, pain management tools and psychology-informed coping skills Dr Emma Harrold
16.10–16.30 Supporting people experiencing flare-ups of persistent pain Elsje de Villiers
16.30-17.00  Discussion and Q&A and conclusion