This 90-minute workshop starts with a mindfulness meditation to induce alpha wave state where you will feel immediately calmer and creative. We will explore the different sources of pressure in your life, and how to create safe, healthy boundaries to reduce the impact of stress. You will take a deeper look at what tools you need to tap into whenever you need to feel more resourced to face your day. You will explore the impact of duty, guilt and responsibility, and the importance of “putting on your own oxygen mask before helping others”. The title of this workshop, for interest, is the fastest way to let colleagues know when you are ok vs not ok. Whatever your answer right now – this workshop will provide some useful tools. Key topics addressed include:

  • Managing personal stressors
  • Self-care check-in – feeling valued, listened to and cared for
  • Tapping into deeper resources
  • Maintaining healthy boundaries

About the Caring Systems masterclass series:

This is a series of 90-minute, high speed virtual masterclasses for leaders working in challenging, constantly evolving systems – who still need to care for the people in their team and find ways to care for themselves. The workshops are practical, interactive and should be enjoyable. Each one includes a different ‘airlock’ meditation to tune out the emotional noise, and the demands placed on you, to help you to fully participate. You will notice the thread of systems leadership and individual care running through the whole series.