This summer we are delighted to offer Welcome to C&P, a one day workshop which aims to arm new GPs with the knowledge they need to launch themselves confidently into their post-CCT career in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough general practice.

Who is it for?

This event is open to GPs nearing CCT, or who have CCT’d within the last 12 months, who aim to work in C&P general practice.

What will it cover?

With local speakers discussing essential topics and offering focused, valuable information and advice, practical tips and take home messages, this event will enable GPs nearing or recently CCT’d to make the most of local opportunities and thrive as a GP in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

The day will include:

  • Immediate Practicalities: Performers List, Indemnity, DBS
  • Ways of working including salaried, locum and partnership
  • What is the BMA model contract and how to negotiate
  • Appraisals: top tips and myth busters
  • Ongoing Professional Development: Fellowships, Training Hub Events and Support
  • How to create an eye-catching CV
  • Top tips to find the job best suited to you


This event will be delivered online via MS Teams and will include the opportunity for interaction and to ask questions. Speaker details will follow shortly.

To get a head start on your GP career in C&P, book your place now!