Morning Energiser: creating a positive start to the day

Motivating yourself during these challenging times can be a challenge in itself. How do you keep yourself in the right frame of mind to start the day well?

Incorporating a mix of activities with information on how the brain works and its effect on our behaviour you will experience for yourselves the importance of managing this often-overlooked aspect of our being.

During this masterclass you will learn some quick and easy ways to boost your own personal energy levels and strategies to help keep the negative nay-sayers at bay. You will leave feeling refreshed, energised and motivated, with some strategies to start each day on a positive note.

NB: While this masterclass is focussing on starting the day positively, it does not diminish or dismiss the impact on our health and well-being of the current pandemic and other stressors.

This workshop is facilitated by Kate Atkin

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