General Practice Fellowship Monthly Education Programme for GPs

The 2023/24 programme of monthly GP Fellowship mornings will run from September 2023 to July 2024. These take place on Thursdays, from 9.30am-12.30pm (unless otherwise stated).

The Fellowship mornings include an education session with expert speakers covering a range of clinical and non-clinical topics, followed by case discussions and opportunities for group work/peer learning.

Any variations to these standard timings will be noted against individual events.

9.20-9.30am Registration
9.30-10.30am Education: Lecture from expert speaker – tailored specifically to F5 educational needs
10.30-11.00am Education: Q&A/Case-based discussion w expert speaker
11.00-11.15am Coffee/comfort break
11.15am-12.30pm Small group work – scenario discussions, questions and near peer support
12.30-1pm Fellowship 1:1 – Opportunity for Fellows to have short 1 on 1 with Kate Lowery for support/coaching/questions – bookable on request at start of session

(Events marked * have a different format)

The schedule of dates is as below, topics and speakers will be added as soon as they are confirmed. All sessions take place virtually via Zoom unless marked as FtF.

FtF events will take place at a venue in the Huntingdon area.

Fellows will be automatically booked onto these sessions, and receive a calendar invitation as confirmation – please accept/decline the invitation and advise us if you are unable to attend by emailing

The fellowship education sessions delivered via zoom (9.30-11am unless otherwise stated) are also open to any First5 GP working in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough. Sessions will be available for non-fellows to book via our training calendar, approximately 4-6 weeks prior to each event. Click here to search for these and other First5 events.


2023/24 Fellowship Education Schedule

Full schedule of 2023/24 session dates:

Date Topic Delivery
Thurs 14 September
(Fellows only) 
Resilience & Wellbeing: Staying Afloat
Dr Susie Hunt
Delta (Marriott) Huntingdon
Thurs 12 October Palliative Care
Prof. Stephen Barclay
Thurs 09 November Promoting Self Care
Joao Costa
Thurs 07 December Neurology: Dizziness & Funny Turns
Negin Holland
Thurs 11 January
(Fellows only) 
Practice Management / Partnership / Leadership
Mark Brookes & Heather Harman
Thurs 08 February Drug and Alcohol Services
Justin Markiewicz
Thurs 14 March Dermatology
Miguel Arbide
Thurs 18 April
(Fellows only) 
Working in C&P – The Grand Bus Tour
Laura Naidoo
Thurs 16 May Asthma & COPD (09.30-11.00)
Louise Goswell
Comms/patient skills (11.15-12.15)
Julia Samuel
Thurs 13 June Men’s Health
Tom Shackleton
Thurs 11 July
(Fellows only) 
Annual Fellowship Celebration event FtF


2024/25 session dates:

Sessions are virtual via zoom unless marked (f2f).

12/9/24 (f2f)
5/12/24 (f2f)
3/4/24 (f2f)
10/7/25  (f2f)


Examples of previous sessions in the programme

Date Topic Delivery
Thurs 15th September
(Fellows only) 
Shapes in Practice half day: How to embrace your limits, set boundaries and deal with pushback
Rachel Morris, Wild Monday
Thurs 13th October
(Fellows only)
Dr Colin Hitchcock
Huntingdon Marriott
Thurs 10th November Domestic Abuse Awareness and the work of IDVAs
Vickie Crompton
Thurs 8th December 9.30-11am: Elderly Care
Dr Jonathan Myers
11.15-11.30: Coaching & Mentoring
Dr Sarah Ray
Thurs 12th January*
(Fellows only)
Menopause & HRT
Dr Gill Shields
Huntingdon Marriott
Thurs 9th February Greener Practice
Dr Rebecca Davis
Thurs 16th March Compassionate Leadership
Dr Mark Brookes
Thurs 20th April*
(Fellows only)
Supervision in Primary Care
Fay Penart-Buck and Jenny Aston
Huntingdon Delta (Marriott)
Thurs 18th May Abnormal Blood Results and Haematological Disorders
Charles Crawley
Thurs 15th June* Mental Health – Overview & Services
Dr Emma Tiffin, Dr Simon Mitchell, Chloe Humphrey  
Thurs 13th July*
(Fellows only)
Annual Summer Fellowship Event
Keynote speaker: Stefan Scholtes
(see bio below)
Old Bridge, Huntingdon

Shapes Toolkit
Dr Rachel Morris

Menopause and HRT: A Whistle-Stop Tour
Dr Hannah Short

Akeso Coaching for GPs
Dr Sarah Rann

Domestic Abuse Awareness and the work of IDVAs
C&P Domestic Violence Advisory Service

Being a Portfolio GP
Dr Morooj Mohammed

Palliative Care ‘Deep Dive’
Dr Stephen Barclay & Carly Love (ARHC)

Promoting Patient Self-care
Joao Costa (Clinical Pharmacist)

Appraisals & Revalidation
Paula Newton

Syncope (+RADAR service)
Dr Jo Hampton

F5 leads ‘Top tips’
Dr Will Bostock & Dr Cynthia Yohanna

Mental Health Consulting: Top Tips
Dr Emma Tiffin & Dr Simon Mitchell, Consultant Psychiatrist, CPFT and Associate Director

Lifestyle Medicine and Using Podcasts with Patients
Dr Will Bostock

Dr Anna Trigell

Perinatal MH
Dr Emma Tiffin

Men’s Health
Dr Tom Shackleton

Paediatric Allergies
Dr Rebecca Tillbott

Long Covid
Dr Rowan Burnstein and Louise Goswell

Managing Medical Uncertainty
Dr Susie Lister

Health inequalities, leadership and practice management
Dr Neil Modha

ENT – Hearing, balance, ear and tinnitus
Dr Neil Donnelly