Practice Supervisor Presentation
This presentation is recommended for all health and social care staff including nurses working in general practice. Following the presentation (and if necessary, reading the accompanying materials below), staff will be able to act as Practice Supervisors for nursing students and nursing associates. If registered nurses have already completed a mentorship qualification, by undertaking this training, and they feel competent to do so, they may act as Practice Assessors.
The Practice Supervisor filmed presentation with audio is available by clicking on this link (best opened in chrome, please ensure audio is on). This link is open access and no passwords are required.
Practice Supervisor Guidance Notes
These Practice Supervisor Guidance Notes contain a summary of information regarding the role and responsibility of the practice supervisor. They are useful to read as a reminder following the presentation.
Practice Assessor Guidance Notes
These Practice Assessor Guidance Notes contain a summary of information regarding the role and responsibility of the practice assessor. They are useful for existing mentors who would like to act as assessors or as a reminder for anyone who has undergone the assessor training.
Practice Guidance for Students in General Practice
A guide for assessors, supervisors and students to help guide their expected scope of practice.
Supporting Students Mental Health and Wellbeing
Resources to help identify and provide support to learners struggling with their mental health.
Reasonable Adjustments Guidance
A brief guidance to reasonable adjustments for students in practice.