Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA) Support

What is the PNA role?

The PNA role is intended to support healthcare staff faced with challenging and increased workloads by providing clinical, wellbeing and learning support.    

PNAs offer support through: 

Restorative Clinical Supervision (RCS) 

RCS can be delivered on a 1:1 basis or as a group (maximum 6 participants).  RCS provides a safe space to discuss issues; have open, honest and confidential conversations, and creates time to reflect.   

Support to undertake Quality Improvement 

PNAs work with staff on a 1:1 or group basis to support the development of ideas and personal action for quality improvement projects and service development. 

Career Conversations 

PNAs facilitate staff on a 1:1 basis to reflect on their professional development needs and career aspirations.  This can support professional revalidation and / or setting goals for achieving career ambitions. 

How to Access support from a PNA  

We have a small team of qualified PNA’s from general practice available to offer support as required.  If you are interested in accessing this opportunity, please emailcandptraininghub@nhs.netwith your contact details and preference for PNA from the biographies below.   


Jan Gower has worked in general practice for 24 years initially as a practice nurse and 8 years as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP). She currently leads the GPN Fellowship at the Training Hub but continues to work as a locum practice nurse and ACP. Jan has had several years experience delivering restorative clinical supervision sessions and has strengths in education, training and workforce development. She is passionate about all things nursing enjoys providing support to her peers. 

Louise Nash has worked in General Practice for 9 years as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP). Her background includes 16 years in the Emergency Department and then Minor injuries.  She has also worked for Out of Hours Urgent care and Custodial nursing so has a wide range of experiences to draw from.   She has a passion for education and ensuring nurses and ACP’s reach their full potential. Her clinical interests include dermatology, women’s health and family planning.

Kathryn Caley is the Training Hub Lead Nurse with responsibility for commissioning education and training and overseeing programmes of support for nurses and AHPs working in General Practice.  Working in clinical leadership roles across primary and community care for 25 years, Kathryn has extensive experience of initiating and delivering quality and service improvement projects and in supporting staff at all levels to develop their careers and reach their full potential.   

Vicky Ward is a registered a Nurse Practitioner and professional nurse advocate with 28 years’ experience in the NHS and private sector with a proven record of delivering quality services in primary care and other health care sectors.  In her current role working in Primary care, she has a positive impact on patient care by promoting the principles of clinical risk management, clinical governance & clinical supervision at strategic, organisational and operational service levels.  She is passionate about influencing and empowering nurses and AHPs believing that effective leadership can support resilience, training and advancement of practitioners.

Sue Swire has been a nurse for 38 years and has worked in general practice since 2001, initially as a practice nurse and then as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) for the past 11 years. After a period of burnout in 2022, she now works as a locum Nurse Practitioner in practices around Peterborough. She has always had an interest in supporting nurses doing CPD, career planning or experiencing difficult times at work, and looks forward to continuing this as a Professional Advocate.

Julie Chenery has been working in the NHS since she was 16 years old. She has been a nurse, working in both general and  neurosurgical intensive care, and then a midwife for many years.  She moved into General Practice Nursing 7 years ago. She is passionate about supporting health care professionals, making the revalidation process meaningful, and offering restorative clinical supervision.