Ardens Resources – Safeguarding – For EMIS practices

Last updated Thursday 20th March 2025

Safeguarding Templates

The following clinical templates are available:

  • Adult Safeguarding
  • Child Safeguarding
  • Domestic Violence + abuse
  • Human Rights Abuses


The Adult Safeguarding template facilitates the recording of a general assessment, a review of capacity, the documentation of safeguarding risk factors and concerns, as well as any referrals that are made.


The Child Safeguarding template allows for the recording of social and risk factors, general information about a child’s health and wellbeing, other agencies involved, and guidance on management and reporting of all concerns.  The template can also be used to add or remove child safeguarding / protection codes on the patient record.

The Domestic Violence + Abuse template facilitates the recording of the history and type of domestic abuse, reassurance regarding patient confidentiality, social history, examination, disclosures, immediate danger and management.  There are many useful and relevant website links on the Resources page.

The Human Rights Abuses template enables the recording of background information (including reasonable adjustments), assessment, planning and safeguarding of the patient.

 All the templates include body maps.  The Safeguarding templates also include pages for Exploitation and Prevent, FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) and Honour-based abuse.  Please note – There is also a separate Ardens template for FGM if required, located in the Obs+Gynae folder).