(PLT) Supporting People with Dementia in Primary Care

Last updated Monday 27th January 2025

Each Training Hub Protected Learning Time session includes a live webinar and Q&A session, together with an associated discussion guide for practices to use on the day to support local action planning, and a set of links to online resources to provide further information and tools.

We advise viewing this webinar by our local topic expert to introduce the topic and give local guidance and advice, prior to using the associated guides for further multi-disciplinary learning within your practice team.

Practice facilitator/discussion guide and resources will be made available to download below, 3 weeks prior to the PLT. The session will be recorded and uploaded below after the event, for use by practices on later PLT dates.

Live Webinar and Q&A: Tues 18th Feb

Facilitator: Alison Skea

Aimed at all staff

Topic Overview

The number of people living with dementia in the UK expected to rise from 900,000 to 1.6 million by 2040. This session will aim to help those working in primary care understand why diagnosis is helpful, navigate the obstacles to good quality dementia care within primary care, learn approaches to managing risks and safeguarding for this vulnerable cohort and understand the resources available locally to support people with dementia and their families to live well and safely.

Speaker Profile

Alison Skea, Dementia Lead Nurse Consultant CPFT. Alison is a consultant nurse specialising in the assessment and diagnosis of dementia. She has worked in this role at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust since 2021. Alison undertakes clinical work in the memory assessment service across all of the CPFT locality. Alison is a mental health nurse and non-medical prescriber and has primarily worked with older adults throughout her career, but has also held senior roles in NHS management and has undertaken project and programme management roles at regional level.

Session Resources

Please download the following below:

  • PLT Supporting People with Dementia in Primary Care – Practice Discussionfor Clinical Staff
  • PLT Supporting People with Dementia in Primary Care – Facilitation Guide
  • PLT Supporting People with Dementia in Primary Care – Additional Resources

The slide presentation and video recording will be available after the live event.

PLT - Supporting People with Dementia in Primary Care

Practice Discussion for Clinical Staff

Facilitation Guide

Additional Resources