Update in Travel Health – Online Learning

Last updated Friday 28th June 2024

A whole new way of undertaking a travel health update which is a mixture of videos, e-Learning, case studies, dilemma scenarios, self assessment questions, links to useful resources, tools and handouts to download and much more.

It is entirely online with a forum within the platform for discussion, questions and answers but ‘Zoom’ element for those feeling somewhat jaded by that style of learning!

We all learn differently so this new way won’t be for everyone, but please read the information about the course if you’re interested to sign up.  BUT only do so when you know you have time, access is provided for 2 weeks only.

It could provide as much as a day’s worth of training, depending on how much you explore the additional information.  A certificate of completion is provided at the end.

See HERE to book.

Cost £80