Employers and CQC will ask for evidence of your Level 3 learning. The need for “a certificate” is great. All clinicians understand that what we need to learn right now is going to be different at different times and with differing events and experience in our careers. This is recognised by the intercollegiate guidance in that it outlines a level 3 curriculum and recommends how much time might be spent on this. See overview of recommended time here.
Best practice is to identify your learning needs, spot the opportunities to meet them, and keep a portfolio of relevant evidence. An interactive Excel spreadsheet developed by local GP, Dr Rob Howlett, enables ‘participatory’ and ‘non-participatory’, ‘adult’ and ‘child’ training to be easily recorded and viewed at a glance. The time spent will be automatically calculated, enabling your Level 3 Safeguarding Training to be evidenced at appraisal.
Alongside the Intercollegiate Guidance there are also reflective templates which you might find helpful to use and add to your portfolio.
You can also add the certificates issued with e-learning as well.