Core Level 3 Learning Opportunities
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency Safeguarding Training Pre-bookable, live, online webinars via MS Teams on a range of topics. |
LSCB ‘Safeguarding Matters’ Webinar Series LSCB Webinars on specific topics within the Child Curriculum: Please see Upcoming Events feed on this page, or visit the Training Hub website and search for ‘safeguarding’: |
GP Training Hub ‘Safeguarding in Practice’ Webinars Case-based, peer-to-peer learning in the Level 3 curriculum. Webinars open to local GPs using breakout rooms, with opportunities to share good practice / changes to practice and possible audit ideas. Practical support for better safeguarding practice in a participatory way. Please see Upcoming Events feed on this page, or visit the Training Hub website and search for ‘safeguarding’: |
RCGP Group Learning Resource Adult and Child, non-local, participatory, 2 hours Level 3 webinars with self-directed learning. Free to RCGP members. |
LSCB Safeguarding Leads Forum and Safeguarding ‘Drop-in’ Sessions Monthly Adult and Child, case-based learning, discussions on safeguarding topics and support / advice over MS Teams. For an invitation, please contact: or |
Red Whale Safeguarding Online Course Level 3 adult and child safeguarding: 2 CPD credits. If done with practice team and reflective learning activities completed, can be worth at least 4 CPD credits and count towards participatory requirement. |
E-LFH E-learning at levels 1, 2 and 3. Excellent general resource for background knowledge. Child Level 3 modules include the following topics: Introduction: Attaining and Maintaining Safeguarding Competences, Management of Sudden Unexpected Death of a Child, Parental Risk Factors, Unexplained Injuries: Managing Concerns Around Physical Abuse, Neglect in the Disabled Child, Fabricated or Induced Illness, Adolescent Presenting With Suspected Sexual Assault, Children Vulnerable to Abuse and Exploitation, Looked After Children, Online Safety and Digital Harm |
LSCB Pre-recorded Briefings and Webinars A range of topics and durations. Pre-recorded short sways lasting 7 or 20 minutes and longer pre-recorded webinars lasting 60 minutes. |
RCGP Child Safeguarding Resources and Toolkit E-learning, pre-bookable webinars and lots of links to externally-provided learning resources. Also excellent guidance documents around practical primary care safeguarding. |
NHS Safeguarding APP Fantastic resource with excellent embedded links, read and reflect. |
RCPCH E-Learning Resources Safeguarding learning resources e-learning, free for non-members just need to register. |
NSPCC Child Protection Training Online Courses available £30. Not specifically for healthcare professionals. |
NB Medical ‘HOT TOPICS’ Safeguarding and Child Protection 3 hours. Non-local. £40 for GPs or GP trainees. |