Coaching & Mentoring

CPTH is committed to offering and signposting to a range of coaching and mentoring services for primary care general practice staff in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Coaching and mentoring is a key professional development tool to support adult reflective learning. It is used in leadership development, and to support senior managers and clinicians throughout the NHS and to assist the primary care workforce to grow and develop.

Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires individuals to maximise their personal and professional potential. It helps to boost morale, increase motivation, engage enthusiasm, reduce levels of stress, improve self-confidence and performance and encourage a more proactive approach to addressing issues and making decisions.

In Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, coaching is currently offered through our network of CPTH coaches.

Coaching & Mentoring for GPs

There is a variety of coaching options for GPs including funded Mentoring from C&P Training Hub Mentors and free coaching from the NHS Looking After You Too and Looking After Your Career coaching services.

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Mentoring Opportunities for Personalised Care Roles

CPTH offer access to an experienced mentor for coaching and mentoring sessions for Social Prescribing Link Workers, Health and Wellbeing Coaches or Care Coordinators who have started a role within General Practice within the last 12 months.

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Mentoring Opportunities for Admin & Clerical Staff

CPTH offer access to an experienced mentor for coaching and mentoring sessions for Receptionists, Data Clerks, Administrators, Practice Managers and PCN Managers, working in C&P General Practice.

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1:1 Primary Care Clinical Directors Coaching

East of England Leadership Academy is able to offer 1:1 coaching support to Primary Care Network (PCN) Clinical Directors (CDs). If you are a Clinical Director of a PCN and interested in having 1:1 coaching support from a qualified experienced executive coach, Please email with subject heading ‘1:1 PrimaryCare Clinical Directors Coaching’, and provide your name, and contact details.