For registered nurses and experienced Health Care Assistants who are involved in the care of patients with leg ulcers.


To increase the student’s knowledge, and raise standards in leg ulcer management.

Study Day includes assessment, management, prevention of leg ulcers and bandaging skills.


Book by filling in the application form and e-mailing to
The organisers reserve the right to refuse applications if the number of applications exceeds the room capacity.


Tea and coffee will be provided at a charge.
Lunch will not be provided at any of the study sessions, so please remember to bring your own.

The organisers reserve the right to refuse applications if the number of applications exceeds the room capacity.

Candidates who are absent on the day without prior notification will be sent a charge of £80 to their team’s budget.

It is important to let the organisers know as early as possible of cancellation. This is to ensure that all places are utilised, reducing any waiting lists that may be in place.

Please click the link to view our Bookings & Refunds terms.