PCN Education & Workforce Development Lead

Now Launched!

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Training Hub are offering 12 months of protected time funded (1 session a month) for a PCN Education & Workforce Development Lead. This will consist of 8 sessions within practice and 4 sessions to attend Training Hub PCN networking & education collaboration events. Each PCN lead will work closely with the Training Hub to dedicate time to developing and future-proofing their workforce and learning environments.

The key goals are to:

  1. Grow Educator capacity & increase learner placements
  2. Implement workforce recruitment, retention, and succession plans
  3. To network & share best practice with other PCNs in the patch
  4. To collaborate with Training Hub to identify gaps and develop education initiatives to support PCN workforce development

Key Information


Funding amount: £3,900 per PCN

Time commitment: 1 Session a month (Total 12 Sessions). Must be available 12/11/24,
18/03/25, 17/06/25 & 14/10/25

How to apply

Download the application below, please complete and return to candptraininghub@nhs.net

Closing date for applications is 5pm 16/10/24

Application form

Frequently asked questions