Successful Self Care Aware Consultations Programme

Last updated Thursday 10th June 2021

This short course aims to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to conduct a ‘self care aware’ consultation with patients and carers, It focuses on minor health conditions which can be treated or managed by patients themselves.

In addition, it aims to support commissioners and prescribers with implementing the guidance for Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) ‘Conditions for which over the counter items should not routinely be prescribed in primary care’ developed by NHS England and NHS Clinical Commissioners

How learners will benefit from completing this course

  • This course will improve your confidence to advise patients and/or their carers on how they can manage and treat minor health conditions. It will provide you with useful conversation leads and phrases to facilitate positive discussions so that patients can feel empowered to treat common minor conditions and where they can seek further health advice if their symptoms don’t improve.
  • It includes strategies to improve an individual’s access to evidence-based information about self-treatable conditions including referral to, the Self Care Forum website or directly to community pharmacists.

Who it’s aimed at

  • It is primarily aimed at healthcare professionals working in primary care including, but not limited to, GPs, pharmacists and nurses

Course content

  • Session 1: Context of Self Care in the Wider Healthcare Arena
  • Session 2: Principles of Management of Self-Treatable Conditions
  • Session 3: Self Care Aware Consultation
  • Session 4: Promoting Self Care


  • Each session should take about 20 minutes to complete

How to access

In order to access any e-LfH programme, you will need an e-LfH account.