Child Safeguarding – Practice Level

Supplementary, topic-based Learning in Child Safeguarding – Practice Level

Contribution to local safeguarding MDT and Peer Support, Education, Audit and Reflective Practice.

Click on each heading below for more detail on the content of the level 3 curriculum in each area, and scroll down for a list of current recommended learning opportunities.


  • Convening and chairing Child and Families MDT meetings


  • Models of Clinical Supervision and Peer Support
  • Recognition when additional support needed
  • Personal impact of Safeguarding on colleagues


  • Audit against national guidance
  • Learning from case reviews
  • Training Requirements

Learning Opportunities: Practice Level

Practice Child and Family MDT Meeting
Monthly case-based, learning and discussion. Reflect on learning.
Complete an Audit Cycle of an Area of Safeguarding Practice
Present results at a practice meeting and disseminate around practice. Examples might include:
– Audit of whether clinicians are recording parental responsibility in consultations
– Audit of child appointment DNAs
– Conduct a computer search of the practice register for patients with more than one code which increases safeguarding risk: eg. domestic abuse, ‘at risk of violence in the home’, alcohol dependence, drug misuse, severe mental illness.
Attend a Significant Event Meeting on a Case Linked to Child Safeguarding
Reflect on the case, including changes to practice and personal learning.


Supporting Effective Clinical Supervision
Read and reflect upon research around educational and clinical supervision.