Supporting Future Educators

“Very happy with the whole programme and support”

– Dr Tariq, GP Educator in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, part of cohort 3 (2023)

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Aspiring Educator Training FAQ document (produced by NHSE)

Before you begin this process, you may find answers to any queries in this document

DOCX 175.8 KB

Programme Outline- Cohort 7

To view NHSE’s interactive guidance on becoming a Tier 3 trainer, click here.

Our programme (outlined below) is based on the new 5 stage process. Please ensure you open the drop down for each stage below to understand what work is required during the programme. 


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There is a guided workbook to complete with online learning and videos, a virtual learning workshop and face to face sessions.

Download your copy of the workbook here

DOCX 3120.3 KB

Required unless you have previously been approved at Tier 2

Workbook pages 10-21 will direct you to the videos and associated activities required for stage 1, a complete list of the videos can be found here

As this is the groundwork for the learning, please complete this before progressing to step 2

Required unless you have previously been approved at Tier 2, or you have completed a PGCertMedEd

Workbook pages 22-45 will direct you through the information with interactive exercises to encourage your independent learning

To be completed before step 3

Required unless you have previously been approved at Tier 2, or you have completed a PGCertMedEd


 14th May 2025  9am-12.30pm

Session hosted online by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Training Hub, presented by TH Quality and Expansion Lead Dr Fiona Leckie and Associate Dean for C&P Dr Camilla Tilbury

Consolidates learning from stage 2

To be completed before step 4

Required for all delegates- note specific sections of handbook to be completed dependent on tier

Complete pages 46-88 of the workbook, includes linked appendices and PDP as suggested

Must be completed before step 5

Required for all delegates- note attendance requirements for each tier


1st and 2nd of July 2025 9am-5pm

Tier 2a- 1st July morning only

Tier 2b- 1st July full day and 2nd July morning only

Tier 3- 1st July and 2nd July full days

Hosted by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Training Hub, presented by TH Quality and Expansion Lead Dr Fiona Leckie and Associate Dean for C&P Dr Camilla Tilbury

Pages 89-100 to be completed during the workshop

Should you have any queries while completing the workbook, please get in touch at

How do I register my interest?

Please complete and submit the expression of interest form below

Supporting Future Educators-Cohort 7

If your practice is not currently approved as a learning organisation, please tick here to confirm the practice is planning to submit an application
Which educator tier are you working towards(Required)
Are you already an approved educator?(Required)
Have you achieved a PGCertMedEd(Required)
Please confirm you are committed to attending both sessions: Virtual workshop  14th May 2025 and the face to face workshops 1st and 2nd of July 2025(Required)
We will do our best to fulfil your requirements to allow you to fully participate in the sessions hosted by Training Hub. Please let us know above if require handouts in advance and/or in alternative formats, or access needs such as, wheelchair access or the provision of hearing loops.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.